37 research outputs found

    Subjektivne teorije in težave vzgojitelja pri delu z nadarjenim otrokom

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    In this paper, main problems regarding preschool teacher\u27s subjective theories, problems and professional development in working with gifted children are presented. The results of the empirical research show the following problems: preschool teachers are inadequately informed about the issues concerning identifying and working with gifted young childrenthey tend to have low self-competence in identifying personal characteristics of gifted children and in the appropriate use of teaching strategies when working with gifted childrenthey stress the necessity for further education and professional training in the field of gifted children education. In addition to various possibilities of further education and in-service training, there are some issues that should be arranged on the national level, e. g.: empowering preschool teachersproviding teaching materials, teaching aids and special - didactic recommendationsshorter training workshops and othersV prispevku predstavljamo nekatera ključna teoretična izhodišča s področja subjektivnih teorij, težav in profesionalnega razvoja vzgojitelja pri odkrivanju in delu z nadarjenimi otroki. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na: neustrezno informiranost vzgojiteljev na področju prepoznavanja in dela z nadarjenimi otrokislabšo samooceno usposobljenosti učiteljev na področju poznavanja osebnostnih značilnosti nadarjenih ter ustrezne uporabe didaktičnih strategij pri delu z njimitežave na področju osiromašenosti didaktičnih pripomočkov, dodatnega učnega gradiva, specialno-didaktičnih priporočil idr. Na področju stališč in čustev v odnosu do nadarjenih otrok izpostavljamo vzgojiteljeve kognicije, ki so v veliki meri pozitivno naravnane. V sklepih prispevka predstavljamo možne predloge in izboljšave ter opozorimo na nekatere možne sistemske rešitve za delo z nadarjenimi v prihodnje. Predvsem v smislu dodatnega izobraževanja in spopolnjevanja na nacionalnem nivojubogatega učnega gradiva, učil, učnih pripomočkov in specialno-didaktičnih priporočilkrajših izobraževanj, delavnic idr

    Professional competences of preschool teachers for working with gifted young children in Slovenia

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    Recognizing giftedness in young preschool children presents an important challenge to all educators. Because giftedness needs nurturing, the aim of the research was to emphasize the importance of gifted children\u27s right to adequate educational opportunities, which will stimulate the optimal development of their potentials. In order to achieve the latter, appropriately qualified preschool teachers are needed, in both diagnostic (the identification of the preschool gifted children) and educational field. The main purpose of the study (N=180) was to analyse professional qualifications and attitudes of preschool teachers in the area of identifying and working with gifted children from age 2 to age 6. The non-experimental causal method was used. The results of the research in Slovenia show the following problems: preschool teachers are inadequately informed about the issues concerning working with gifted childrenthey tend to have low self-competence in identifying personal characteristics of gifted children and in the appropriate use of teaching strategies when working with themthey stress the necessity for further education and professional training in the field of gifted children education

    Action research as a method of improvement of school practice while educating gifted students

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    There are two basic organisational approaches to training gifted students in the world: training gifted students in special departments or schools, where they are trained through special, tailor- made programmes, and training together with other students. In Europe, there are great differences in the definition of giftedness, the identification and perception of gifted students. Identifying gifted students and creating individualised programmes for gifted students is a major challenge for school policy, both in the field of legislation and in its implementation in education. This paper presents an action research that was carried out in two cycles at a selected primary school in order to analyse the current situation in the creation of individualised gifted student support curricula and the further work with gifted students. Furthermore, the application of a new participative curriculum for gifted students as an alternative to the existing national programme guidelines for working with gifted students in the Republic of Slovenia is presented. We note that educators face many difficulties (in discovering and adapting didactic strategies and curricular adaptations for gifted students) and highlight the benefits of a participatory programme for the active participation of gifted students in the learning process

    Cognitive Efficiency of Slovenian, Indian and Gambian Gifted Students in Performing Mental Tasks

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    In this paper, we present a comparative analysis between registered gifted Slovenian, Gambian, and Indian students in which we sought to find out how they perform in solving selected mental tasks, where we were focused on logical-mathematical and spatial intelligence as a function of the social environment from which the students came. We found that the results for the test groups differed. Out of ten task sets, Slovenian students performed better than their Indian and Gambian peers in as many as seven task sets; in four tasks we found a statistically significant difference between Slovenian and Indian children, and a comparison between Slovenian and Gambian students shows that Slovenian children scored better on mental task sets in all groups

    Use of Linear Programming to Develop Cost-Minimized Nutritionally Adequate Health Promoting Food Baskets

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    Background Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs) are developed to promote healthier eating patterns, but increasing food prices may make healthy eating less affordable. The aim of this study was to design a range of cost-minimized nutritionally adequate health-promoting food baskets (FBs) that help prevent both micronutrient inadequacy and diet-related non-communicable diseases at lowest cost. [br/] Methods Average prices for 312 foods were collected within the Greater Copenhagen area. The cost and nutrient content of five different cost-minimized FBs for a family of four were calculated per day using linear programming. The FBs were defined using five different constraints: cultural acceptability (CA), or dietary guidelines (DG), or nutrient recommendations (N), or cultural acceptability and nutrient recommendations (CAN), or dietary guidelines and nutrient recommendations (DGN). The variety and number of foods in each of the resulting five baskets was increased through limiting the relative share of individual foods. [br/] Results The one-day version of N contained only 12 foods at the minimum cost of DKK 27 ((sic)3.6). The CA, DG, and DGN were about twice of this and the CAN cost similar to DKK 81 ((sic)10.8). The baskets with the greater variety of foods contained from 70 (CAN) to 134 (DGN) foods and cost between DKK 60 ((sic)8.1, N) and DKK 125 ((sic)16.8, DGN). Ensuring that the food baskets cover both dietary guidelines and nutrient recommendations doubled the cost while cultural acceptability (CAN) tripled it. [br/] Conclusion Use of linear programming facilitates the generation of low-cost food baskets that are nutritionally adequate, health promoting, and culturally acceptable

    Analysis of public food procurement in relation to dairy products and their quality criteria

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    IntroductionPublic procurement of food is key to ensuring proper nutrition with high-quality products in public institutions such as schools and kindergartens. However, it should not be considered a mandatory expenditure from public finances but rather an investment in health promotion.Materials and methodsA total of 1,126 public procurement orders processed by schools and kindergartens in Poland during the period from November 2022 to March 2023 were analyzed. Ultimately, 197 public procurement orders meeting the inclusion criteria were considered for analysis. Based on these orders, 2,753 food products classified as dairy and its derivatives were extracted. The ordered quantities of individual products were analyzed, as well as their descriptions (quality characteristics).ResultsCriteria related to composition were most commonly described, the most common criterion was the fat content and the absence of preservatives. On the second places were organoleptic characteristics, where taste and consistency expectations were most frequently specified. Sustainable public procurement criteria were the least frequently mentioned and were treated as highly marginal.ConclusionIntroducing minimum standards for the descriptions of dairy products in terms of organoleptic characteristics, composition features, and sustainability criteria will improve the quality of dairy products supplied to public institutions, particularly schools and kindergartens

    Terminologija klinične prehrane: Motnje prehranjenosti in s prehranjenostjo povezana stanja

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    Izhodišča: Prehransko stanje posameznika uvrščamo med ključne dejavnike njegovega zdravja. Za učinkovito individualno in multidisciplinarno obravnavo stanj, povezanih s prehranskim stanjem posameznika, moramo dobro poznati terminologijo klinične prehrane. Ker je klinična prehrana kot medicinska stroka razvita tudi pri nas, v tujini pa so tovrstni terminološki dokumenti že na voljo, želimo tudi v Sloveniji na podlagi konsenza oblikovati enotno terminologijo. Metode: Prispevek je osnovan na podlagi eksplicitnega terminološkega dogovora. K sodelovanju smo povabili obsežno skupino relevantnih slovenskih strokovnjakov s kliničnih, predkliničnih in drugih področij, ki so povezana z dejavnostjo klinične prehrane v medicini, pri oblikovanju pa je sodeloval tudi terminolog s področja medicine. Kot izhodišče smo izbrali terminološke smernice Evropskega združenja za klinično prehrano in presnovo ter ob njih upoštevali najnovejša strokovna priporočila za posamezne pojme. Avtorji so bili v stiku prek osebnih srečanj in elektronske pošte. Pri končnem oblikovanju konsenza je sodelovalo 42 avtorjev iz 19 slovenskih ustanov. Rezultati: Predstavljamo temeljne pojme, terminološke definicije in pripadajoče slovenske termine s področja klinične prehrane. Opredelili smo osnovne motnje prehranjenosti – podhranjenost, prekomerno hranjenost, neravnovesje mikrohranil in sindrom ponovnega hranjenja. Poleg tega smo opredelili tudi s prehranjenostjo povezana stanja – sarkopenijo in krhkost. Osnovne pojme smo podprli s kliničnim kontekstom, v katerem nastopajo. Zaključki: Poenoteno razumevanje osnovnih patoloških stanj, ki jih obravnava klinična prehrana, je izhodišče za nadaljnji razvoj stroke, poleg tega pa je podlaga tudi za prehransko obravnavo in učinkovito prehransko oskrbo

    Terminologija klinične prehrane: Prehranska obravnava – presejanje prehranske ogroženosti in prehranski pregled

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    Izhodišča: Pomembno vlogo pri prehranski obravnavi imata tako presejanje prehranske ogroženosti kot prehranski pregled, na podlagi katerega lahko postavimo diagnozo motnje prehranjenosti ali s prehranjenostjo povezane motnje. Ocena posameznikovega prehranskega stanja, ki jo pridobimo s prehransko obravnavo, je namreč ključna za načrtovanje učinkovite prehranske oskrbe. Za razvoj področja je pomembno, da so vsi termini, ki se uporabljajo pri kliničnem delu, usklajeni. Taki terminološki dokumenti v mednarodnem prostoru že obstajajo, smiselni pa so tudi za slovenščino in naše okolje. Metode: Prispevek temelji na eksplicitnem terminološkem dogovoru skupine 42 relevantnih slovenskih strokovnjakov iz 19 slovenskih ustanov. Osnova oblikovanja terminoloških smernic je terminološki dokument Evropskega združenja za klinično prehrano in presnovo, pri čemer so bili upoštevani tudi novejši izsledki klinične prehrane. Rezultati: Predstavljeni so slovenski termini in terminološke definicije s področja klinične prehrane. Opredeljeni so osnovni pojmi s področja prehranske obravnave, ki je praviloma del medicinske obravnave. Predstavljena sta pojma prehranska ogroženost in presejanje prehranske ogroženosti, ob čemer so navedeni tudi različni presejalni testi za presejanje prehranskih motenj in s prehranjenostjo povezanih stanj. Podrobno so opredeljeni tudi prehranski pregled in njegovi sestavni deli. Zaključki: Tako presejanje prehranske ogroženosti kot prehranski pregled sta bistvena za diagnostično obravnavo v okviru klinične prehrane, poenoteno razumevanje terminologije pa omogoča primerno prepoznavo patoloških stanj pri bolnikih in pripravo ustreznega načrta prehranskih ukrepov

    Policy implementation and priorities to create healthy food environments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): A pooled level analysis across eleven European countries

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    Background: Food environments have been recognised as highly influential on population diets. Government policies have great potential to create healthy food environments to promote healthy diets. This study aimed to evaluate food environment policy implementation in European countries and identify priority actions for governments to create healthy food environments. Methods: The Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) was used to evaluate the level of food environment policy and infrastructure support implementation in Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain in 2019–2021. Evidence of implementation of food environment policies was compiled in each country and validated by government officials. National experts evaluated the implementation of policies and identified priority recommendations. Findings: Finland had the highest proportion (32%, n = 7/22) of policies shaping food environments with a “high” level of implementation. Slovenia and Poland had the highest proportion of policies rated at very low implementation (42%, n = 10/24 and 36%, n = 9/25 respectively). Policies regarding food provision, promotion, retail, funding, monitoring, and health in all policies were identified as the most important gaps across the European countries. Experts recommended immediate action on setting standards for nutrients of concern in processed foods, improvement of school food environments, fruit and vegetable subsidies, unhealthy food and beverage taxation, and restrictions on unhealthy food marketing to children. Interpretation: Immediate implementation of policies and infrastructure support that prioritize action towards healthy food environments is urgently required to tackle the burden of obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases in Europe. Funding: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774548 and from the Joint Programming Initiative “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life”